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- India completes development of its first quadrivalent HPV vaccine ‘Cervavac‘ for prevention of cervical cancer
- UN ECOSOC decides to remove Iran from UN-CSW (Commission on Status pf Women)
- State of Finance for Nature 2022 report by UNEP:
- Spends on Nature-based solutions is now $154 Billion per year
- Target spend by 2025: $384 Billion
- GI tag issued to ‘Gamcha’ (handkershief like cloth) for Assam
- Gond community to be classified as ST instead of SC in some parts of UP
- Bosnia and Herzegovina granted membership of EU
- Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh
- Recent clashes between Indian and Chinese troops along LAC in Tawang
- Situtaed along Sela ranges; Bordered with Tibet-China and Bhutan
- Tawang Monastery is largest monastery in India